by Liz Smart | Aug 25, 2023
Back to all activities Favourite line-up Makers can’t talk, mouth or make a sound but they must line up in order. Nothing Prep time: 0 minutes Activity time: 5 minutes Activity Tell your group that they must individually decide which month of the year is their...
by Liz Smart | Aug 25, 2023
Back to all activities Follow the leader A quick observational energiser Nothing Prep time: 0 minutes Activity time: 10 minutes Activity Split your makers into groups of less than eight. Ask your makers to get into a circle. Ask one person to be the leader. Tell...
by Liz Smart | Aug 21, 2023
Back to all activities Pass the ball Groups work out a pattern for passing a ball. A ball or rolled up piece of paper Prep time: 0 minutes Activity time: 10 minutes Activity Stand groups in a circle. One person in each group is chosen to start. They must throw...