Develop Fortnite islands
We are experienced creators in the Unreal Editor for Fortnite platform. Our ‘Storytelling with Music‘ island has been explored by 700+ learners. If you are looking for a team of education and technology experts to develop an island for your own learning experience then get in touch.
Corporate packages: Illustrative guide
Our illustrative package guides are designed to indicate the type of budget required for Fortnite island production from Flip Computing. Get in touch to discuss your individual needs.

Package 1
- A single lesson immersive learning experience
- Storyboarding and narrative design
- Digital asset exploration (free, built-in UEFN assets only)
- Interactive devices and custom code
- Teacher starter pack
- Technical review
- One stage of revisions
Cost guide: £30,000 to £40,000
Production time: 3 months

Package 2
- A six lesson immersive learning experience
- Storyboarding and narrative design
- Digital asset exploration (free, built-in UEFN assets only)
- Interactive devices and custom code
- Teacher starter pack
- Technical review
- One stage of revisions
Cost guide: £180,000 to £240,000
Production time: 18 months

Package 3
- A complete curriculum
- Storyboarding and narrative design
- Digital asset exploration (free, built-in UEFN assets only)
- Interactive devices and custom code
- Teacher starter pack
- Technical review
- One stage of revisions
Cost guide: £1.5m +
Production time: 2 years +
Corporate training: Fortnite island development
If you wish to upskill your in-house learner experience team then Flip Computing can provide training in Unreal Editor for Fortnite. We have a range of course options from free, self-led materials to bespoke courses that suit your individual needs.

Free, self-led materials
- Get started with UEFN
- Design an interactive experience in UEFN using Verse code snippets
- Start the course now
Cost guide: £Free
Completion time: 4-6 hours

Experts in the room
- A full day in-person course at your office/location
- Course delivered using your devices, check that they meet the specifications
- Content delivery of pre-designed materials (our free course)
- Experts in the room to support as you go
- Remote delivery available
Cost guide: £3-4,000 depending on time and location
Delivery time: 4-6 hours

Bespoke training
- A full day in-person course
- Bespoke course design based on your company needs
- Course delivered using your devices, check that they meet the specifications
- Content delivery of bespoke course
- Experts in the room to support as you go
- Remote delivery available
Cost guide: £8-16,000 depending on course requirements
Course production time: 1 month
Course delivery time: 4-6 hours