Make a wordsearch

Make a wordsearch

Back to all activities Make a wordsearch Make a wordsearch from first names.  Paper (ideally squared) j Pencils  Prep time: 2 minutes  Activity time: 15 minutes Activity Split the makers into groups of around six. Get them to make a square wordsearch from all of...
Big data

Big data

Back to all activities Big data Make bar charts from people.  Nothing  Prep time: 0 minutes  Activity time: 10 minutes Activity Ask your makers questions and get them to vote by making a human bar chart. Examples: Pirates, ninjas or robots? Winter, spring, summer...
Patterns everywhere

Patterns everywhere

Back to all activities Patterns everywhere Find repeating patterns in your surroundings.  Paper j Pencil  Prep time: 0 minutes  Activity time: 10 minutes Activity Split your makers into groups and tell them where they can go. Give your team an example of a...
Would you rather…

Would you rather…

Back to all activities Would you rather...? Create a physical ‘Would you rather…’ game using two opposite walls.  Nothing  Prep time: 0 minutes  Activity time: 10 minutes Activity Ask the whole group a ‘Would you rather…’ question, for example, ‘Would...
Jump or crouch

Jump or crouch

Back to all activities Jump or crouch A movement-packed true or false game  Nothing  Prep time: 0 minutes  Activity time: 10 minutes Activity Get all the makers standing up. Say a statement and ask makers to jump if it is true for them or crouch if it is false....