24 Days of Scratch coding: Code your way to Christmas

Welcome to the start of 24 days of Scratch coding the advent calendar book for kids age 8-12, or younger with help from parents, other adults or older siblings.

Code through winter or count down to Christmas with a fun coding or art activity for 24 days. All you will need is your book and the starter project – with an optional Christmas jumper and Christmas playlist!

The perfect festive gift for all young coders!

The 24 Days of Scratch Coding Book next to a young girl who looks very excited to be using her new book.


  • A coding or art activity every day which builds towards a snowy scene
  • 5 themed activities including a wordsearch and spot the difference
  • Opportunities for young coders to develop their skills and add their own style
  • 24 doors that hint at the next day’s project to generate excitement
  • Lots of cute penguins!

There are also free video tutorials on the to give extra guidance for beginner Scratch users!

What is Scratch?

Scratch is a block-based coding language and community for young people and is used to make digital stories, games, and animations. Scratch is designed especially for ages 8 to 16, but is used by millions of people of all ages in homes, schools, museums, libraries, and community centres.

Scratch (http://scratch.mit.edu) is developed by the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab. 

Haven't bought the book yet?

Try our three pdf sample projects and bonus activity.

Three worksheets for the 24 Days of Scratch Coding book displayed in a fan shape.
A penguin graphic. There is a spring underneath the penguin to show that they are jumping.

Day 4 - Jump!

Code a penguin to flap their wings and jump.

A graphic of two penguins, one big and one small. The small one is half hidden behind the big one. There is a speaker symbol with a no entry through it

Day 7 - Hide

Code the little penguin to hide when it is noisy.

Graphic of two Christmas trees. Each has a set of lights on them but with different colour combinations on each

Day 18 - Tree lights

Code light patterns on the Christmas tree.

Graphic of a penguin staring through a telescope to some stars

Bonus - star puzzle

Find stars in Scratch costumes and backdrops.