24 Days of Scratch coding: Code your way to Christmas
Welcome to the start of 24 days of Scratch coding the advent calendar book for kids age 8-12, or younger with help from parents, other adults or older siblings.
Code through winter or count down to Christmas with a fun coding or art activity for 24 days. All you will need is your book and the starter project – with an optional Christmas jumper and Christmas playlist!
The perfect festive gift for all young coders!
- A coding or art activity every day which builds towards a snowy scene
- 5 themed activities including a wordsearch and spot the difference
- Opportunities for young coders to develop their skills and add their own style
- 24 doors that hint at the next day’s project to generate excitement
- Lots of cute penguins!
There are also free video tutorials on the to give extra guidance for beginner Scratch users!
What is Scratch?
Scratch is a block-based coding language and community for young people and is used to make digital stories, games, and animations. Scratch is designed especially for ages 8 to 16, but is used by millions of people of all ages in homes, schools, museums, libraries, and community centres.
Scratch (http://scratch.mit.edu) is developed by the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab.
Haven't bought the book yet?
Try our three pdf sample projects and bonus activity.
Day 4 - Jump!
Code a penguin to flap their wings and jump.
Day 7 - Hide
Code the little penguin to hide when it is noisy.
Day 18 - Tree lights
Code light patterns on the Christmas tree.
Bonus - star puzzle
Find stars in Scratch costumes and backdrops.