What’s in the box?

What’s in the box?

Back to all activities What's in the box? Makers guess what is inside the box.  Boxes  Everyday items  Paper j Pencils  Prep time: 30 minutes  Activity time: 10 minutes Activity Cut a hole in the side of the shoebox, big enough for someone to fit their hand...
Make a wordsearch

Make a wordsearch

Back to all activities Make a wordsearch Make a wordsearch from first names.  Paper (ideally squared) j Pencils  Prep time: 2 minutes  Activity time: 15 minutes Activity Split the makers into groups of around six. Get them to make a square wordsearch from all of...
Paper chains

Paper chains

Back to all activities Paper chains Which colour is a given link in the chain?  Coloured paper  Glue or sticky tape  Prep time: 5 minutes  Activity time: 10 minutes Activity In small groups, get each maker to choose a different coloured paper. Tell your makers to...